"With razor-sharp clarity, he makes it all
seem so simple...Very entertaining."
David has been building, branding, and running his own companies since his early twenties.
A seasoned entrepreneur and the current owner of two companies, he presents difficult concepts with surprising clarity in a very refreshing, entertaining, and invigorating style, sharing his unique views on how every company, both big and small, can strategically choose to steer their organizations in an effort to brand, differentiate, and outshine the competition.
Author of #1 International Best-Selling book: RUDDER - Strategic Brand Clarity and now the upcoming book CULT BRAND, David has made a significant "bottom-line" impact on thousands of companies across the nation.
MISFIT- C0Founder/Chief Creative Officer (2010-present)
MOONRACER FILMS - CoFounder (2017-present)
CROCKER/FLANAGAN - CoFounder/Creative Director (1999-2010)
FLANAGAN STUDIO - Founder/Creative Director (1985-1999)
S CLUB FILMS - Founder/Creative Director (1996-1998)

For over thirty-five years, David has been creating and running his own companies. "That's the only place I truly feel at home," he says. "I just like to build things..." With unique insights and a wealth of experience gained from developing multiple companies from the ground up, as well as serving the needs of hundreds of companies nationwide, he shares a valuable perspective on starting, growing, branding and promoting a successful organization.